The Magic That Happened When I Wrote Miranda’s Garden (Has This Ever Happened To You?) I Want To Know!

I talk a lot about the “magic” of writing. And I mean that in a certain kind of way.

I’m not talking about a fluffy, sparkly kind of magic. I’m talking about what I call the “rough magic” of writing. The alchemy that happens on the page and inside the writer, and that can’t help but ripple out into the world.

Let me know in the comments about your magical writing experiences. I know I’m not alone in this…

Get my “10 Ways To Banish Writer’s Block So You Can Write Your Novel”

Sending you mad writing mojo…

Happy writing!

Niching Down: Why I’m Only Teaching ONE Genre From Now On. Can You Guess Which One?

Since leaving academia two-and-a-half years ago, I have focused on growing my business to help people write books. But I made a grave mistake… I have recently realized I was doing something in my business life I haven’t done for YEARS in my personal life. 

But I have my head on straight now, and everything’s changing. Listen to hear about where my focus is going now and why… 

Get my “10 Ways to Banish Writer’s Block”

Sending you mad writing mojo…

Happy Writing!

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