Prompts in 3s – #6

In working with people over the years, I’ve found that people LOVE prompts.

Prompts are great as a palate cleanser – a break from that big, long project that’s starting to feel like it’s never going to end. Giving your creative mind a shot of something new is a great way to reshuffle the mind and allow flow to happen.

Prompts are also great for those times when you feel your creative well has gone dry – even though this can never happen… you are an endless fount of ideas and creativity.

What kind of witch comes to mind? Is the snack a what or a who? What kind of surprise happens, and is it the witch or someone else who is surprised?

After you’ve written, please share what you’ve created below or just to share how it went.

As always, sending you mad writing mojo…

Happy Writing!

Prompts in 3s – #5

In working with people over the years, I’ve found that people LOVE prompts.

Prompts are great as a palate cleanser – a break from that big, long project that’s starting to feel like it’s never going to end. Giving your creative mind a shot of something new is a great way to reshuffle the mind and allow flow to happen.

Prompts are also great for those times when you feel your creative well has gone dry – even though this can never happen… you are an endless fount of ideas and creativity.

Interpret the word “boa” any way you like. Who has the sore throat, and why does it create a problem for them, aside from the obvious pain? What kind of remedy appears or us used? Is it in the form of literal medicine, or is it a metaphor?

After you’ve written, please share what you’ve created below or just to share how it went.

As always, sending you mad writing mojo… Happy Writing!

Prompts in 3s – #4

In working with people over the years, I’ve found that people LOVE prompts.

Prompts are great as a palate cleanser – a break from that big, long project that’s starting to feel like it’s never going to end. Giving your creative mind a shot of something new is a great way to reshuffle the mind and allow flow to happen.

Prompts are also great for those times when you feel your creative well has gone dry – even though this can never happen… you are an endless fount of ideas and creativity.

Who has the headache? Why do they have it and how long have they had it? Are they at home, at an event? Where is the loud music coming from? Who has the change of heart and why?

Do be concerned with perfection. Let yourself do a brain dump onto the page and go from there.

After you’ve written, share what you’ve created below or just to share how it went.

As always, sending you mad writing mojo… Happy Writing!

Prompts in 3s – #3

In working with people over the years, I’ve found that people LOVE prompts.

Prompts are great as a palate cleanser – a break from that big, long project that’s starting to feel like it’s never going to end. Giving your creative mind a shot of something new is a great way to reshuffle the mind and allow flow to happen.

Prompts are also great for those times when you feel your creative well has gone dry – even though this can never happen… you are an endless fount of ideas and creativity.

For this prompt: Will your story consist of one or two characters, or will you include more from the crowd? Who is the terrible singer? What kind of music is playing? Is it live, or is there a DJ? Who is confessing and to whom?

As with all prompts, this can lead you to a piece of flash fiction, a short story, or something longer, like a novella or a novel?

After you’ve written, please share what you’ve created below just to share how it went.

As always, sending you mad writing mojo…

Happy Writing!

Promps in 3s – #2

In working with people over the years, I’ve found that people LOVE prompts.

Prompts are great as a palate cleanser – a break from that big, long project that’s starting to feel like it’s never going to end. Giving your creative mind a shot of something new is a great way to reshuffle the mind and allow flow to happen.

Prompts are also great for those times when you feel your creative well has gone dry – even though this can never happen… you are an endless fount of ideas and creativity.

This could include one character or a group of characters. It all depends on where your mind takes you. What kind of garden do you see? What kind of meeting was canceled? And is the person who will miss the meeting happy or disappointed? Who canceled the meeting and why? And how was the fence broken?

After you’ve written, please share what you’ve created below or just to share how it went.

As always, sending you mad writing mojo…

Happy Writing!